JW GROM(full name: Jednostka Wojskowa GROM im. Cichociemnych Spadochroniarzy Armii Krajowej, English: "Military Unit GROM named in honour of the Silent Unseen of the Home Army") is Poland's elite counter-terrorism unit. GROM, which stands for Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego (English: Group (for) Operational Maneuvering Response), which also means "thunder", is one of the five special operation forces units of the Polish Armed Forces. It was officially activated on July 13, 1990. It is deployed in a variety of special operations and unconventional warfare roles, including anti-terrorist operations and projection of force behind enemy lines.
The unit was named after the Silent Unseen (Polish: Cichociemni Spadochroniarze Armii Krajowej) - Poland's elite World War II special-operations unit.
The unit's other name is Jednostka Wojskowa 2305 (Military Unit 2305). GROM was originally modelled on NATO's most reputable special operations units such as the US Army's Delta Force, the US Navy's SEAL Team Six (DEVGRU) and the British Army's SAS.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JW_GROM
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQlEZf1-ssY
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