The Finnish arms manufacturer shows off its two 120mm unmanned mortar systems Patria AMOS & NEMO Advanced Mortar Systems.
AMOS or Advanced Mortar System is a 120 mm automatic twin barrelled, breech loaded mortar turret. AMOS has been fitted to a wide range of armoured vehicles, such as the Sisu Pasi, Patria AMV and Combat Vehicle 90. The Swedish Navy originally planned to fit AMOS to the CB90 assault craft, but found that it was too small to carry it. Instead, a project to develop the larger Combat Boat 2010 was launched specifically to carry AMOS.
NEMO (from "new mortar"), is a single barrelled 120 mm unmanned mortar turret currently being developed by Patria Weapons System Oy (PWS) in Finland. It is a lighter version of the AMOS mortar system, which is also being field tested. The NEMO can be fitted to most APCs and also to smaller landing craft, such as the Finnish Jurmo class landing craft or the Swedish Combat Boat 90.
The first customer of the weapon system was the Slovenian Army, which ordered 24, while the United Arab Emirates Naval Forces bought 12 patrol boats, where some were to be equipped with NEMO mortars. Saudi Arabia bought 36 turrets to equip its LAV II vehicles.
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